My review for "Truthwitch"

Truthwitch (The Witchlands, #1)Truthwitch by Susan Dennard

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Firstly let me make this clear , this is only my opinion (what I think and fell about this book) and anything i say is not meant to upset anyone, so before you read this be warned my feelings for this book they are very different then anyone else.
I honestly do not see what is all the fuss about this book, do not get me wrong i did enjoy the book (well after 150 pages in i started like it) is that i read better books in my opinion. I wanted to give the book a 2.9 stars but of course the goodreads does not let me.

The plot runs around one of the most import which in the book, a Truthwitch that everyone wanted for themselves. What i do not like about this book is how much it dragged , and how much you have to read in for the plot to start build in and the book to start getting interesting and the story to make sense. The book is full of adventure from the beginning and what you would truly love is the friendship that is building up between certain characters and how beautiful it is.

For me it was hard to read that i had to switch to audio book and thankfully i started enjoying it enough to stay listening till the end.

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