My Review for "13 reasons why"

Thirteen Reasons WhyThirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It is so hard writing a review about this book, I waited so long for it to finally be available at my library, read it so fast but was very disappointed. Giving the book a stretched 3.4 stars, I think is to much but can not get myself to lower it. I see now why people say the show is better, and the problems they found regarding this book.
Have to tell you guys that I did not like the ending at all, better the show where something was getting done( see it this way , no matter what after listening to the tapes the person will be depressed and probably start having suicidal thoughts depending on what has happen, and what involvement they had), don't you all agree that one certain jackass should pay for everything he done to all the girls (no matter if it is the movie story or the book).
After reading this book I have so many questions...for example why would you blame the person for not trying harder to stay alive ( i think I took it very personal here, so i am not going to go into it more). Would you call her tapes a type of revenge on everyone that hurt her? (probably yes, but maybe she just wanted a way to make those people realize that what they did was wrong and not to do it to someone else).
However no matter what everyone thinks, i think this is a book that the parents and teachers should read and have it for their children, but keep in mind even though is not as triggering as the show , it still has its part that will tore you to pieces. Will push your limits , I know it did for me.

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